Intercultural Youth Trainer

April 2018 By:

All of our intercultural youth trainers are contracted on a per-program, as needed basis, in the geographic area of the program.


  • Preferred:  a degree in a related field, such as intercultural communication, cultural anthropology, education, etc., as well as working knowledge of cultural values research and intercultural concepts.


  • At least three years living and working internationally and experience outside of your  home country as a child and/or  with raising children internationally.
  • Prior teen or youth intercultural training experience including significant relocation training experience.*


  • Understanding of intercultural learning concepts
  • Ability to apply experiential learning principles
  • Ability to implement the development of concepts and behavioral strategies via age-appropriate scenarios and discussion
  • Ability to facilitate a participant-focused approach to materials and information
  • Strong facilitation skills and comfort with flexible and fluid training situations
  • For teen trainings: Comfort in facilitating external teen cultural consultant
  • Ability to collaborate logistics and joint family sessions with adult trainers


*NOTE: IOR does not train individuals or groups to become cultural trainers. We orient our trainers to IOR materials, philosophy of training, and administrative processes, but we recruit only experienced trainers


To Apply Please Click Here