Tools for the Selection Process
Self-Assessment for Global Endeavors (SAGE)
- Helps HR/Management assess adaptability and establish a high-quality candidate pool for international assignments
- Aids employees with choice to self-select into or out of candidacy for international assignments
- Fosters family conversations necessary to make informed decisions
- SAGE for Spouses also available
Tucker Assessment Profile (TAP)
- Assesses motivations and expectations on 12 attitudes and attributes that predict cultural adjustment
- Provides HR/Management and employees with feedback as well as risk that may be associated with expatriate assignments
- Serves as a basis for coaching international assignment candidates
- Substantiates HR/Management’s go/no-go decisions on expatriate assignments
Global Competencies Inventory (GCI)
- Assesses 16 dimensions essential for effective Intercultural Performance
- Supports HR/Management’s go/no-go employment decisions for expatriate assignments
- Identifies candidates for global leadership and succession planning
- Creates developmental plans for intercultural training and coaching
Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)
- Assesses intercultural sensitivity, a crucial aspect of intercultural competence
- Builds talent pools for international assignments and succession planning
- Contributes to career planning and career coaching
- Establishes a baseline measurement for employee development