Program Expense Policies

Local Program Expenses may include:

  • Local mileage
  • Train, bus or other local transportation
  • Parking fees
  • Trainer lunch (up to $15 USD)
  • Other expenses ONLY when pre-approved by your program manager

Overnight Travel Expenses May Include:

  • Mileage
  • Rental Car
    • Only when approved by IOR
    • The lowest rental rate
    • Fees and gasoline only
    • Economy or compact class vehicles only
  • Ground Transportation
    • Taxi
    • Public transportation
    • Tolls
    • Parking
  • Air Travel
    • Lowest fare flights must be booked for the most direct or most economical route from point of origin to destination
    • Early morning programs may require departure on the previous day. IOR will only reimburse for one meal on the travel day before a program
    • The return flight should be booked for the evening of the day the training program is concluded unless a delay of one day substantially reduces the airfare or unless the program ending time does not allow sufficient time to make the flight. IOR must approve the extension of your stay by the extra day
    • After the program has been confirmed and the client company has approved the budget, your Program Manager will notify you when you can proceed with booking your travel
  • Lodging
    • We recommend keeping hotel fees under $150 USD per night, when possible. However, hotel rate must always be pre-approved
    • IOR will cover room and meals only
    • Extended stays beyond the final day of the program are your responsibility unless otherwise negotiated
  • Meals (When lodging away from home)
    • Maximum $50 per day; alcohol may not be billed back
    • If these allowances are not reasonable for your location, please discuss this in advance with the Intercultural Program Manager

Trainers are allowed up to $15 USD for lunch if it is necessary to purchase lunch on the day(s) of the program. It is not IOR’s policy to buy lunch for training participants. However, be sure to determine with participants how lunch will be managed during your pre-program intake call. If it seems necessary to have lunch together in a restaurant at IOR’s expense, contact your Program Manager in advance of the program to request approval and a lunch allowance

Phone Calls
Please use Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Voxer, Line or other free-calling apps

Approval for other expenses must always be pre-approved by your Program Manager

Expenses Not Eligible for Reimbursement

  • Dry cleaning
  • Flight upgrades
  • Alcohol, movie rental, fitness room and valet charges at hotels
  • Photocopies and training materials without prior approval