Essentials Box
- Here are some suggested items to include in an “Essentials Box” which should be in your carry-on bag, not in your checked luggage:
- Tickets, passports, and international health certificates
- Copies of birth/baptismal certificates
- Copies of will
- Copies of adoption papers
- Copies of marriage license
- Copies of divorce papers
- Copies of guardianship papers
- Power of attorney
- Passport information (where issued, date, and number) and extra passport pictures
- Medical history and x-rays (both medical and dental)
- Letter from your medical provider explaining any medication prescribed for you. Any drugs carried with you must be in pharmacy bottles with your name and prescription number on the label.
- Loose/unlabeled pills may be confiscated or cause inconvenience at customs entry.
- Prescriptions written in generic terms, medications, and extra dentures, eyeglasses or contact lenses
- Official school transcripts, including adult records, and samples of curricula
- Where applicable, copy of tax returns (for past three years)
- Traveler’s check information in a place separate from the checks
- Copies of life and medical insurance policies
- Copies of property tax receipts and home insurance policy (if selling home)
- List of names, phone numbers, and addresses for:
- Banks
- Credit cards
- Insurance policies for car, fire, theft, etc.
- Company overseas address and contact
- Relatives, in case of emergency
- Rental agreement on your home (if applicable)
- Veterinarian’s records if you are taking your pet
- Registration, title, and sales documents for any vehicle
- Inventories of accompanied baggage, unaccompanied air freight, ocean shipment, and articles in storage.
- Warranties for appliances shipped (check to see if manufacturer has a representative in your new country to honor the warranty).
- Proof of good driving record from insurance company (to obtain lower car insurance rate).
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